Vol. 2 No. 1 (2025): Edisi III, Juni 2025 (IN PROGRESS)
Community Empowerment Training in Utilizing Catfish Processing Waste to Enhance Product Value
Abstract View: 31,
82-86 Download: 10
The Role of Business Capital and Marketing Strategies in Supporting MSME Development in Sobontoro Village, Balen Subdistrict, Bojonegoro Regency
Abstract View: 128,
87-96 Download: 38
Improving Packaging Quality and Marketing Strategy for Bimo Special Honey
Abstract View: 27,
97-103 Download: 11
English Language Learning Through Interactive Learning at SMA Al Amien Pamekasan
Abstract View: 8,
104-108 Download: 4
Mangrove Planting Activities as an Effort to Preserve Coastal Ecosystems in Camplong, Sampang Regency
Abstract View: 8,
109-113 Download: 17